Activities/Clubs News

Posted on January 22, 2025 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Reminder Bocce sign ups are as follows - Tuesday, January 14, February 11 and March 11. This will take place at 4 PM in Clubhouse I. Dues for the season will be $10.00. Please tell your friends and neighbors. We are always looking for new players.
Posted on January 22, 2025 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Welcome February! The Variety & Drama Club thank all of you who came out to see our show on January 18th. It was a great success and we all had a great time! We are looking forward to our next show which is planned for some time in June.
If you love to entertain....please contact Pat Tartaro 908-309-6478 to inquire about joining our club. We meet on Tuesdays at 5pm in Clubhouse 2.
Posted on January 22, 2025 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Holiday City Melodiers are hard at work preparing for their Spring Concert. You won't want to miss their upcoming musical extravaganza taking on the music of Tony Award winning musicals. The group is still welcoming new members. Rehearsals are every Wednesday from 5PM-7PM in Clubhouse 2. Anyone is welcome to join this fun and passionate group. There is no experience necessary. The only requirement is a love for music and singing. For more information please email or call/text President Linda Roth at 201-873-1185. We look forward to having you!

Club Officers:
President: Linda Roth | Vice President: Lilyanne Hansen
Secretary: Marianne Jacobs | Treasurer: Fred Dyer
Posted on January 22, 2025 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our next meeting is Monday, February 10th at 12:00PM in Clubhouse One. However, at 11:30AM coffee and donuts will be served prior to the meeting. Remember, you do not need to fish to be a member of our club, we are a SOCIAL & Fishing Club. During the January meeting officers were installed, members renewed their memberships for "2025" and received name tags to wear at our meetings, new members were also registered. A preliminary schedule of events for the year was introduced, which included three lunches that will follow our meetings. Our February activity, "The Art of Fly Tying", an art dating back to the 1800's, will be presented during our February meeting of Ed Lindhorn, there are many celebrities who have tried their hand at this age-old tradition, including Harrison Ford, Jimmy Buffet, Reba McEntire, Martha Stewart and Gordon Ramsay, are just a few who enjoy fly-fishing and tying their own flies. Come experience the of Fly Tying and maybe even try trying a fly. In March we will have a luncheon after our meeting, and during the April meeting we will have a guest speaker on preserving memories. Some other upcoming events include a BlueClaws game, a "River Lady Genuine Paddle Wheel Lunch Cruise" sailing down the scenic Toms River and beautiful Barnegat Bay, a "Picnic" at John Bartlett County Park, a visit to "Albert Music Hall" the best place to hear live Bluegrass, Country, Folk, in New Jersey. Oh yes, there are also some fishing trips scheduled. Be sure to check us out and come join us for coffee donuts, and a chance to spend time with our Club members, maybe even become a member. CONTACT John Gindhart (907) 671-0460.
Personal Care Product Drive for our Active Duty Service Women
The HCB Fishing and Social Club is hosting a Personnal Care Product Drive for our active duty female military personnel starting February 1, 2025 and ending March 31, 2025. We will be collecting donations of non-aerosol, non-flammable personal care products such as:

facial skin care                            shampoo/conditioner                              dry shampoo
Midol & Advil liquid gels                deodorant                                             sanitary products
sunscreen                                   hair accessories                                     toothpaste
perfume free baby wipes              hand sanitizer                                        dark sunglasses
socks                                          body & hand lotion                                 cards
puzzle books                               stationary                                              lip balm
pens                                           diary                                                     manicure kit
This collection is our way of celebrating Women's History Month and honoring the very first woman to enlist in the United States Military. Loretta Perfectus Walsh. On March 17, 1917, Ms. Walsh enlisted in the US Navy Reserve as a Chief Yeoman. Chief Yeoman Walsh was stationed at the naval shipyard in Philadelphia. The United States entered WW1 a month later. By the end of the war, over 11,000 women had enlisted in the Navy. The collection boxes will be located by the stage in CH1 and the lobby of CH2. At the conclusion of our drive, all items collected will be forwarded to our service women by a military representative.

Help us celebrate Women's History Month by honoring these brave women. If you have questioned or need more information contact Barbara Gindhart 907-671-0460
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Reminder - First meeting of the year will be January 14th in Clubhouse 1 at 4 p.m. We will be having sign ups for our spring/summer teams. Dues for the season will be $10.00. Please tell your friends and neighbors. Bocce is an easy fun game. We play Monday and Tuesday. If we have enough interest, we may also play on Wednesday. Additional sign ups will be February 11th and March 11th. We will start our season in April.
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Holiday City Melodiers would like to give a big thank you to all who attended our Holiday concert this year and helped make it a big success. If interested in joining in on the fun with our passionate group of singers during our Spring Concert Season our first meeting will be on Wednesday January 8th from 5pm to 7pm in Clubhouse 2. Rehearsals are every Wednesday from 5pm-7pm in Clubhouse 2. Everyone is welcome to join, there is no experience necessary. The only requirement is a love for music and singing. For more information please email or call/text President Linda Roth at 201-873-1185. We look forward to having you!
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
End of Season Report 2024
We finished our season this past October with a record number of players in the league (30). Everyone had a great time and honed their golf skills each Friday at Cedar Creek Golf Course.
The 3 winners of each flight (based on handicaps) were:

    Frank Skalitza – A    Glenn Johnson – B    Tim Fuller – C
Two luncheons at the course after mini tournaments were greatly appreciated by the member. Our final luncheon at Buffalo Wild Wings on October 17th was attended by 19 members. Good food and drinks with prizes.
Next meeting will be in mid April 2025 at Cedar Creek Golf Course for the coming year. $35 for the league. Notice will be posted on monthly paper as to sign up date. We play every Friday at 9am, Cedar Creek Golf Course starting end of April and ending the end of September.
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Variety and Drama Club is busy at work rehearsing for our upcoming show, "HOEDOWN AT THE HOMETOWN"! The show will be held January 18th, 2025 at 7pm in HCB Clubhouse 2.
So Saddle Up Partners and get ready to purchase tickets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 12pm - 1pm in Clubhouse 1 and every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 6pm-7pm in the HCB Library, starting in November. Ticket price is $7.00.
We are happy to report that our group continues to grow and we welcome new members who would like to join us, either on stage or behind the scenes! We meet Tuesdays from 5pm-7pm in Clubhouse 2. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary.
For more information, please contact Pat Tartaro at 908-309-6478.
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our hospital (formerly Community Memorial Hospital) first opened its doors on September 15, 1961 with 50 beds and 15 physicians on staff and 90 employees. Community Medical Center as it is known now cares for more than 28,000 inpatients, 127,700 outpatients and 100,000 emergency department (formerly known as Emergency Room) patients are treated each year. Presently there are 592 beds, more than 670 physicians on staff and 2,900 employees. We are now a teaching hospital with some of the finest doctors. 
In 2021, CMC announced a $600 million campus expansion and overhaul, the largest in the hospital's history in both scope and price, to take place over the following decade. The plans include a new parking garage (which is completed and will be open January 2025), environmental updates to the existing facilities, and an additional 300,000 sq ft (28,000 m2) building that will serve as the main hospital once completed.
When you have a life threatening emergency and call 911, the ambulance will transport you to the closest hospital. That is our hospital on Route 37. This is why it is important to me and other dedicated members of Holly Twig to continue helping our hospital improve and be remain the best in the area. 
Holly Twig is a dedicated fund raising group that raises money to help purchase items which continue to improve the quality of patient’s stay that are not covered under the regular operating budget as well as making caps for the newborns and the oncology department with the yarn that is generously donated by our communities.
Thank you to everyone who has made a donation, attended an event, bought a raffle ticket, donated a cake, purchased a cake and given in any way. Without your support, we would not be the success that we are.  Happy and Healthy New Year to you all!
Pres, Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ 08757
Posted on December 30, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
WELCOME "2025"! Our first meeting will be on January 13th in Clubhouse One. Coffee and donuts will be served at 11:30 a.m. prior to the meeting, which will start at 12:00 p.m. Remember, you do not need to fish to be a member of our club, we are a SOCIAL & Fishing Club. Come renew your membership or become a member! We are looking forward to a great year with Guest Speakers, after meeting lunches, picnic at John Bartlett County Park, Lunch/Cruise on the River Lady, plus much more. If you have a talent which you would like to share with us at one of our meetings, let us know! In February one of our members will be demonstrating the "Art of Fly Tying".
With the start of "2025", we will be looking to elect new officers, if you are interested in becoming an officer or volunteering to help, please let us know, as to keep our club going, we need YOU! See you on January 13th!
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