Activities/Clubs News

Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our Annual Luncheon was a success! Thanks to all that made it happen.
We elected our officers at our October meeting. President John Iachello, Vice President Lynn Lubanski, Treasurer Joan Brumbaugh and Secretary Pat DiBuono.
Important Dates to Remember: Tuesday, January 14, February 11 and March 11. These meetings will be held at 4pm at Clubhouse 1. We will have bocce sign ups and our meeting. It was voted to increase the dues to $10.00. Please try to tell your friends that are away for the winter to have you sign them up.
Have a healthy and happy holiday season!
Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
End of Season Report 2024
We finished our season this past October with a record number of players in the league (30). Everyone had a great time and honed their golf skills each Friday at Cedar Creek Golf Course.
The 3 winners of each flight (based on handicaps) were:
    Frank Skalitza – A    Glenn Johnson – B    Tim Fuller – C
Two luncheons at the course after mini tournaments were greatly appreciated by the member. Our final luncheon at Buffalo Wild Wings on October 17th was attended by 19 members. Good food and drinks with prizes.
Next meeting will be in mid April 2025 at Cedar Creek Golf Course for the coming year. $35 for the league. Notice will be posted on monthly paper as to sign up date. We play every Friday at 9am, Cedar Creek Golf Course starting end of April and ending the end of September.
Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Variety and Drama Club is busy at work rehearsing for our upcoming show, "HOEDOWN AT THE HOMETOWN"! The show will be held January 18th, 2025 at 7pm in HCB Clubhouse 2.
So Saddle Up Partners and get ready to purchase tickets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 12pm - 1pm in Clubhouse 1 and every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 6pm-7pm in the HCB Library, starting in November. Ticket price is $7.00.
We are happy to report that our group continues to grow and we welcome new members who would like to join us, either on stage or behind the scenes! We meet Tuesdays from 5pm-7pm in Clubhouse 2. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary.
For more information, please contact Pat Tartaro at 908-309-6478.
Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
As the year draws to a close, we are looking forward to the Annual Installation of officers of next year’s board. We are proudly entering our 53rd year. We will not be having a regular December meeting. Our installation luncheon will be on our meeting date.
Holly Twig is a group that raises money to purchase items which allows the patients to have improved quality stays while at Community Medical Center. Each department has an opportunity to submit a wish that they would like granted, which is not covered by the general operating budget. Some of the items we have contributed to the purchase of in the past have been vein finders, special reclining chairs that can be used for patients to rest in and also be transported in and warming blankets.
All of our members are volunteers who are part of a dedicated group who donate time and energy to a cause we are passionate about. This group is not for everyone; but for those who share our commitment, it is the most rewarding experience of a lifetime.
Your donations of new baby weight yarn in light colors make it possible for our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, to make caps for the oncology department and the newborn babies to wear home. All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns. Please call Marylou or Susan to arrange to either drop off or have your yarn picked up. We appreciate your donations. Thank you!
Happy Holidays to all and thank you to so many who support Holly Twig! 
Pres, Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ 08757
Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
December Notice:
There is NO December meeting as our Annual Christmas Party will take place of our meeting. Join us on December 10th in Clubhouse One for a FUN time, music by DJ Mike and catered by Mulberry Street. Dancing, great food, raffles, door prizes and fun for ALL! Tickets can be purchased in Clubhouse One on the first and third Tuesdays and are only $40 per person or at the Directors meeting on December 6th. This event is B.Y.O.B. and FUN for ALL!
In November we had a guest speaker from Alcoeur Gardens located in Toms River. Marie Allen presented a program on Alzheimer's while supplying us all with pizza. We all know someone suffering from Alzheimer's, and thanks to Marie we learned a lot!
Our next regular meeting will be on January 13th in Clubhouse One. Coffee and donuts will be served at 11:30am prior to the meeting, which will start 12:00pm. Remember, you do not need to fish to be a member of our club, we are a SOCIAL & Fishing Club. With the start of the new year, we will be looking to elect new officers, if you are interested in becoming an officer or volunteering to help, please let us know, as to keep our club going, we need YOU! January is also the time to renew your Membership for 2025 or to become a new member for the year! Hope to see you at our January meeting! If you have any questions regarding any of our upcoming events, CALL John Gindhart (907) 671-0460 for more information.
Posted on November 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Holiday City Melodiers are ringing in the holiday season as they prepare for their upcoming concert. The concert will be held on December 8th at 2pm in Clubhouse 2. Tickets can be purchased every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 12pm-1pm in Clubhouse 1 and every 1st and 3rd Wednesday from 6pm-7pm in the HCB Library. Tickets are just $5. There is still time to join in on the holiday fun with our passionate group of singers. Rehearsals are Wednesdays from 5pm-7pm in Clubhouse 2. Everyone is welcome, no experience necessary. The only requirement is a love for music and singing. For more information or if you’re interested in joining or purchasing concert tickets, please email or call/text President Linda Roth at 201-873-1185. We look forward to having you!
Club Officers
President: Linda Roth  |  Vice President: Lilyanne Hansen
Secretary: Marianne Jacobs  |  Treasurer: Ron Mongak
Posted on October 31, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The HCB Veterans Committee is hosting a VETERANS DAY DINNER DANCE on November 9 from 6-10 pm in Clubhouse 2. Tickets are going fast. The music will be provided by Who Are You Guys, a local group who cover songs from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and up. Do Wop, to Rock n’ Roll. (Check them out on YouTube). The dinner will come from Blue Collar Catering, a local company with a 4.9 review rating and excellent reputation in our area. Tickets are only $40/pp and selling fast. We hope you can join us. 
Posted on October 31, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
We hope you all had a wonderful summer. We are a social club where some of our members bring their crafts (kinitting, crocheting, sewing, etc.) to work on during the meeting.  If you want to learn how to do any of these crafts, there is always someone willing to teach you. If you just want to socialize (many of us do), we welcome you. We meet every Thursday at 1:00 P.M. in Clubhouse 1. 
Posted on October 31, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
Our Annual Bocce Luncheon and Awards was held on October 4. We had 75 members attend. 
Please mark your 2025 calendar for Bocce sign ups. We will hold them on January 14, February 11 and March 11. All sign ups will be in Clubhouse I at 4 PM. If anyone is unable to come and sign up, please ask a friend to sign you up. This makes it much easier to set up teams. Yearly dues will be discussed at our October meeting.
Have a safe and healthy Holiday season.
Posted on October 31, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
As the year draws to a close, we are also planning the Annual Installation next year’s officers. We are proudly entering our 53rd year. The installation ceremony will be held at our December meeting.
In case there is someone who doesn’t know what Holly Twig is all about, Holly Twig is a group that raises money to purchase items which allows the patients to have an improved quality stay while at Community Medical Center. Each department has an opportunity to submit a wish that they would like granted, which is not covered by the general operating budget. Some of the items we have contributed to the purchase of in the past have been vein finders, special reclining chairs that can be used for patients to rest in and also be transported in, warming blankets, as well as special chairs needed in one of the departments.
All of our members are volunteers who are part of a dedicated group who donate time and energy to a cause we are passionate about. This group is not for everyone; but for those who share our commitment, it is the most rewarding experience of a lifetime.
The Holiday Twig $500 Visa Gift Card raffle tickets are available now. Please see a member to purchase your tickets. 
The following are the vendor sales remaining for this calendar year: 
  • Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 5th & Nov. 6th – J&M Memorabilia
  • Wednesday, Nov. 20th – Holly Twig Holiday Gift Boutique, Bake Sale and Visa Gift Card Raffle drawing.
  • Thursday and Friday, Dec. 5th & Dec. 6th – Handbag Sale

We are excited to see the progress of the new parking garage. It is looking great! Be sure to look in that direction when you are visiting. Free Valet Parking is still available at the main entrance.
Your donations of new baby weight yarn in light colors make it possible for our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, to make caps for the oncology department and the newborn babies to wear home. All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.
Pres, Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ 08757