Posted on May 27, 2022 10:30 AM by Admin
It’s been a long six months, but Casual Bocce is almost here! We had an exciting run from 2019-2021; and starting this Summer another season will be upon us!
Casual Bocce doesn’t require previous knowledge of the game; be it novice or experienced, all are welcome. It is by reservation / appointment ONLY! (We can’t have too many people and not enough space).
The games will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays 6-8PM starting Monday, July 4th. You can play every day, you can play once a month. Whatever works for you.
Casual Bocce has no set teams. There are no measuring of the balls. No paddles. Strictly fun amongst friends.
To reserve your slot, call Steve Abramson at 609-661-0794.
Posted on May 27, 2022 10:30 AM by Admin
Hi there everyone,
This is just a reminder that there is Bunco this month on June 21. This will be the last game for the summer. There is no Bunco in July and August of 2022. Bunco staff are not taking any new members until September 2022. Masks are not required; it is your option. Do what feels comfortable for you.
The Clubhouse 2 auditorium is large enough that we are able to space the tables. Bunco staff and maintenance personnel are working to create additional space between tables, and there are hand sanitizers on each table for your convenience.
Bunco is the third Tuesday of each month. As noted above, Bunco is June 21, 2022, in Clubhouse 2. We start signing in players at 12:15 p.m. The game starts at 1:00 p.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m.
Bunco staff wish health and happiness to all. If you have any questions, please call Linda at 732-616-8325 or Judy at 570-730-8490.
Posted on May 27, 2022 10:29 AM by Admin
Our Mission is to raise money to purchase comfort items for the patients of RWJ Barnabas Health/Community Medical Center. We are proud to say that 100 per cent of the profit of our fundraising efforts goes into those items that are selected from a Wish List that is made up from various departments. In the past, we have contributed such items as warming blankets, reclining chairs and televisions for the patients, just to name a few. None of the money goes into the hospital operations.
It is important to mention that this hospital recognizes and respects the senior population in the area and continues to grow with our health issues in mind.
The Gift Auction tickets are selling quickly, and no tickets are sold at the door. The generosity of the local businesses is very exciting. The gift baskets and gift certificates for merchandise donated that will be filling the tables is going to make for a very exciting afternoon. There is definitely something for everyone.
Our members continue to knit and crochet hats for the newborn babies all year long. We gladly accept your baby weight yarn donations to make these hats for the precious new born babies to wear home from the hospital. Your support and generosity makes this possible. Please call Susan to arrange for pick it up. Approximately 1,200 babies are born each year at our hospital.
Our commemorative 50th Anniversary Cookbooks have been a huge success and we only have about a half dozen remaining.
This past month was filled with celebrations and delectable food. We started the month with the Appreciation Tea at the hospital that was on May 9th which was outstanding. The auditorium was transformed into a beautiful venue with a delicious menu. This was followed a few days later by our 50th Anniversary brunch. We gathered at the Clarion Hotel where the food was plentiful and delicious.
The vendor sales have returned. The Hand Bag sale was filled with lovely items. It was impossible to resist buying things. The Tupperware sale was also successful. Thank you to everyone who supported us by shopping and volunteering your time to work with us.
Holly Twig meets the second Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the H.C. Berkeley Clubhouse #2 - upper clubhouse. Being part of this group doesn’t take very much time, and is very rewarding. Come and see for yourself. We look forward to meeting you. We do not have meetings in July and August.
Susan (732)267-5274 • Marylou (908)770-5176 • Elizabeth (732)349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ 08757
Posted on May 23, 2022 6:00 PM by Admin
I would think it would be fair to put all the budget details concerning the Grass in perspective. In round numbers the math is simple. We collect 2 million in assessments, (25%) or $500,000.00 is allocated to the grass cutters. It is the largest expense we have in the entire budget by far. Should we allocate more? In another perspective view we pay our assessments at a rate of $150.00 per quarter or the same ratio amount of 25%. In the next years (2023) budget all the recent price increases we are currently experiencing will have an impact in every area of expense that we have. be grateful for what we have as tomorrow is unpredictable. A budget committee is being formed as we need to put our heads together and find the solutions.
Posted on May 23, 2022 10:00 AM by Admin
A meeting with the Bocce court restorer was held today. We were all given a lesson on the Bocce court required maintenance.
The Board provided a new brush and rake as the older one was worn and the rake was the wrong kind. Frankie will be prepping the court every Monday morning, and the bocce players will brush the courts as needed throughout the week.
Posted on May 23, 2022 6:00 AM by Admin
Posted on May 22, 2022 6:00 AM by Admin
The Vendor Fair under the direction of Fran Corcione was a Hugh Success raising over $1400.00 to a charity for Air Filters in Tracy's Fitness Classes.