Activities/Clubs News

Posted on June 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Holly Twig is sending out a big THANK YOU to all who worked on, contributed to and attended the Annual Gift Auction last month. It was a huge success. 

Wednesday, August 14th, Holly Twig is hosting a High Tea Luncheon at the beautiful, downtown Mathis House, located at 600 Main Street.  The seating is at 11AM. Tickets are $50 each. You can purchase a single ticket or a few for a table of friends to sit together. This will be a five course luncheon with soup, salad, scones, tea sandwiches and dessert. Of course, there will be plenty of tea served. Come and have a memorable afternoon, and a delicious lunch. Please do not wait until the last minute to purchase your ticket, as seating is limited.
Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. Valet parking is FREE, conveniently located at the main hospital entrance.
These are the vendor sales planned for 2024:
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale

We welcome your donations of new yarn, which our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, make hats for the newborn babies to wear home and chemo caps for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.
There are no meetings in July and August, but we are busy planning for upcoming events during that time.
Pres., Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on June 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Welcome July ! The Variety & Drama Club are happy to announce that we had a very successful show on May 19th. We want to thank all of you who attended ! 

Entertainment is what we do and we are so pleased when our audience is happy ! We truly appreciate the wonderful reviews you gave us and we’re looking forward to another successful show in January. 

A big shout out to all our wonderful volunteers ! We couldn’t have done it without you ! 

Reminder..we are always looking for new members…whether you love to entertain or you're more of a backstage kind of person. We will start our meetings at the end of August. We meet every Tuesday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in Clubhouse 2. 

If you are interested in joining us or have any questions, please contact Pat Tartaro at 908-309-6478 or Gil Nizza at 732-618-1379.
Posted on May 28, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
Bocce Games are underway. Teams are set and team Captains selected. Please remember to call your team captain if you are unable to play or on vacation. Let's make this season the best!
Posted on May 28, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
The Red Ball Is Closer! – No The Green Ball Is Closer! – How do I respond to that argument?  Who cares!!!
Casual Bocce is back for it’s incredible FIFTH season!!!
Casual Bocce is the same game that you already know and love; bocce without the set teams or measuring the balls.  Or maybe you don’t know the game and want to give it a try?
Casual Bocce is currently in progress.  Games are on THURSDAY from 1-3P.M. at Clubhouse 1 on 631 Jamaica Blvd.  While there is always room for everyone to play, it is encouraged to call ahead to make sure there is a game going or that there is room.
We are NOT associated with the Official Bocce League which will run concurrently earlier in the week.  For the Official Bocce League information, please see their post right here in the newsletter
For any questions or information, call Steve Abramson at 609-661-0794.
Posted on May 28, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Wednesday, August 14th, Holly Twig is hosting a High Tea Luncheon at the beautiful, downtown Mathis House, located at 600 Main Street.  The seating is at 11AM. Tickets are $50 each. You can purchase a single ticket or a few for a table of friends to sit together. This will be a five course luncheon with soup, salad, scones, tea sandwiches and dessert. Of course, there will be plenty of tea served. Come and have a memorable afternoon, and a delicious lunch.

Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. Valet parking is FREE, conveniently located at the main hospital entrance. 
  • These are the vendor sales planned for 2024:
  • Thursday, June 27th – Handbag Sale
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale
Our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, make hats for the newborn babies to wear home and chemo caps for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.  We welcome your donations of yarn.

We meet the second Wednesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in Holiday City Berkeley Clubhouse two.
Pres.,Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732)349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on May 28, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Veterans Committee has been hard at work planning our Memorial Day Ceremony. On Monday, May 27, 2024 at 2 pm, we will be holding a Wreath Laying Ceremony, lead by American Legion Post 129. We are extending an invitation to the entire Holiday City Berkeley community, especially all veterans, to join us in honoring the men and women who have served our country. The ceremony will be in front of Clubhouse 1, at the flag display. Refreshments will be served afterwards.

The Committee has created a Veterans Registry which is published in our newspaper, on our web site and located in the office and library. We would appreciate if it all the veterans submit these forms so we may include our vets in future events. These forms can be dropped off or mailed to the office.

Please Save the Date! Saturday, November 9, 2024 at 6 pm we are having a Veterans Day Dinner and Dance. Live music will be provided by Who Are You Guys?, a fabulous band playing music from the 50's, 60's and 70's. We are also planning on some special guests to honor our veterans. Tickets will go on sale in July.
Posted on April 29, 2024 3:37 PM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The HCB Variety & Drama Club will be presenting their 2024 VARIETY SHOW. You can expect to see dancing, singing, comedy skills… something for everyone.
Bring your friends and family for an enjoyable afternoon.
Sunday, May 19, 2024 - 2:00 pm
HCB Clubhouse 2
Ticket Price: $7.00
Light refreshments will be sold at intermission.
Tickets can be purchased the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in Clubhouse 1 from 12pm to 1pm. Tickets will also be sold at the door.
Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
I would like to take this opportunity to extend my thanks to the following:
Emilio Granata Bingo President, Debbie Caputo, Treasurer and all Bingo volunteers for donating funds used to purchase shirts for travel bocce players. 
In addition, Barbara Udow and Annette Porpora for donating their time traveling to Freehold to select styles & colors for our new team shirts.
Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Holiday City Berkeley Melodiers have been hard at work preparing for their spring concert. We invite you to join us and celebrate "The Seasons through Songs" on Sunday, May 5th, at 2pm. Tickets for this event can be purchased every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at CH1 from 12 noon - 1pm. Tickets can also be purchased at the door on the day of the concert. Tickets are $5 each. Bring your friends and family for this joyful event. 
Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
The Red Ball Is Closer! – No The Green Ball Is Closer! – How do I respond to that argument?  Who cares!!!
Casual Bocce is back for it’s incredible FIFTH season!!!

Casual Bocce is the same game that you already know and love; bocce without the set teams or measuring the balls.  Or maybe you don’t know the game and want to give it a try?

Casual Bocce is currently in progress.  Games are on THURSDAY from 1-3P.M. at Clubhouse 1 on 631 Jamaica Blvd.  While there is always room for everyone to play, it is encouraged to call ahead to make sure there is a game going or that there is room.

We are NOT associated with the Official Bocce League which will run concurrently earlier in the week.  For the Official Bocce League information, please see their post right here in the newsletter.
For any questions or information, call Steve Abramson at 609-661-0794.