Activities/Clubs News

Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our next meeting is May 13th at 12:00 pm Club House One. At 11:30 pm coffee and donuts will be served prior to the meeting. We are going forward with our Pot Luck Picnic at Wells Mills Park on the 16th of May, so be sure to sign up at our meeting on the 13th, along with our June 10th after meeting Lunch. Upcoming events, Million Dollar Quartet at Surflight Theater and lunch at Calloways on May 30th and Blue Claws game/picnic and Fireworks on June 28th, be sure to sign up for events either at our meetings or the first and thirds Tuesday of each month between 12-1pm, Clubhouse 1. Remember you don't have to fish to join our Club, it's Fishing & SOCIAL. However, if you'd like to dry doing some fishing, on June 13th we will be fishing for Fluke on the Jamaica II, a schedule will be available at our May meeting for future trips. Call or text John Gindhart for further information on fishing or any of our other events, 907-671-0460.
Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Thank you to the members of the Recreation Committee and the HCB Community for all the support you have given! We will continue to work hard to bring even more events and activities to our HCB Community.  Unfortunately, in order to do so, we are often adding things AFTER the Community Voice has gone to print.  So, how can you keep up with your Recreation Committee?
  • The HCB Official Webpage:
  • The Holiday City Berkeley Recreation Committee Facebook Group page
  • The Recreation Committee Bulletin Board outside the Card/Game Room in CH1

Our scheduled May activities include Book Club on May 9, Cooking Club on May 6th & 20th, Coffee & Craft Night on May 16, and Laughter Yoga on Thursday May 23rd.  We will continue to delight the residents by hosting Coffee & a Sweet Treat at the Shareowners Meeting on May 1st. These are just a few additions to a calendar already packed with great events and activities hosted by the fantastic committees and clubs of our great community!  If I don’t get to meet you at one of the Recreation Committee events, I do hope to get to meet you at many of these other events!

Please consider joining the Recreation Committee so we can present our community with even more activities and events!  Our May meeting will be held on Monday, May 13, Clubhouse 2 at 5:00 and quickly followed by a Coffee & Board Game Night at 6:00 pm! We will pull out our board game collection and hopefully, we will even get a game of Left Right Center going!

We plan to help fill your June calendar! Along with the support of the Go-Getters, we will be hosting our First Ever Corn Hole Tournament in June!  Also in June, we will be announcing and selling tickets for our first ever Chopped Champion Cooking Demonstration and tasting with Executive Chef Sean Quinn!  

Keep an eye out for announcements of future activities including additional Coffee Houses, Concerts, a Classic Car Cruise with the Sentimental Cruisers, Linda Shields the Jersey Shore Medium, and MUCH MUCH MORE!  Thank you for your support so far this year!  
Posted on April 29, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Veterans' Committee will have their next meeting on Thursday, April 18th at 3:30 in the conference room of Clubhouse 1. We are asking for all veterans in our community to fill out a form, which we have in the back of the room, at the office, in our newspaper, the Community Voice and on our website. This registry will help us ensure that our veterans are included in our events. Also, if you have a neighbor who is a Veteran, please make them aware of this registry.

In addition, we could use more members on our committee. Anyone who would like to be a part of this honorable committee, please join us or call 732-382-7158. We welcome all new ideas and helping hands and you don't need to be a Veteran to join. 

Our first event will be on Memorial Day, May 27th at 2 pm. We will have a wreath laying ceremony led by the American Legion Post 129. Chaplain Tom Kroszewski will lead a prayer. Many dignitaries will be coming as well. Please mark your calendars for this and help us honor those who have sacrificed their lives for us.
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
Welcome spring! Bocce is starting the first Monday and Tuesday of the month. Teams will be set up after our March meeting. Please come 20 minutes prior to the 4 PM start. Check the schedule for which lane you will be playing on. Also check that we have the correct phone number on the list. We also need each team to choose a team captain. The captain will be in charge of signing the game results. They also need to let the coordinator know if their team needs a replacement player. Let's play bocce!
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
The Holiday City Berkeley Variety and Drama Club is getting ready to entertain residents, friends and family. Our show will take place May 19, 2024, 2 PM at Holiday City Berkeley, Clubhouse 2. Tickets can be purchased for $5.00 and can be purchased from members, or ticket day (1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month). Tickets will also be sold at the door. 

Come out and support this fun event. We will also be offering snacks. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Submitted by Carol Inderules
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
The Holiday City Berkeley Melodiers have been hard at work preparing for their spring concert. We invite you to join us and celebrate "The Seasons Through Songs" on Sunday, May 5th, at 2pm. Tickets for this event can be purchased every 1st and 3rd Tuesday now and through April at CH1 from 12 noon - 1pm. Tickets are $5 each. Bring your friends and family for this joyful event. 
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
The Red Ball Is Closer! – No The Green Ball Is Closer! – How do I respond to that argument?  Who cares!!!
Casual Bocce is back for it’s incredible FIFTH season!!!

Casual Bocce is the same game that you already know and love; bocce without the set teams or measuring the balls.  Or maybe you don’t know the game and want to give it a try?

Casual Bocce is currently in progress.  Games are on THURSDAY from 1-3P.M. at Clubhouse 1 on 631 Jamaica Blvd.  While there is always room for everyone to play, it is encouraged to call ahead to make sure there is a game going or that there is room.

We are NOT associated with the Official Bocce League which will run concurrently earlier in the week.  For the Official Bocce League information, please see their post right here in the newsletter.

For any questions or information, call Steve Abramson at 609-661-0794.
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
Tickets are on sale now for the Annual Holly Twig Gift Auction. It is on Wednesday, June 12th in the HC Berkeley Clubhouse 2. The doors open at 12:30. The price is still $7, and as always no tickets are sold at the door and we always sell out fast. There will be many gift baskets, gift cards and great prizes that are sure to please everyone.
Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. Valet parking is FREE at the main hospital entrance. 
This is what is coming for 2024:
  • Monday & Tuesday, April 8th & 9th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday, May 1st & 2nd – J & M Sports
  • Wednesday, May 15th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker)
  • Tuesday  & Wednesday, June 25th & 26th – Handbag Sale
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale
We have a special ticketed event coming up on Wednesday, August 14th at 11AM. We will be hosting a High Tea at the Mathis House located at 600 Main Street, Toms River. The price is $50 per person, plus gratuities. There is limited seating, so please call early for your tickets to avoid disappointment. This a a full five course lunch. 
Our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, make hats for the newborn babies to wear home and chemo caps for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.  We welcome your donations of yarn.

Our meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 10h.  We have coffee and refreshments at 9:30AM and the meeting begins at 10:00AM at HC Berkeley Clubhouse 2. This month’s program will be a chair yoga demonstration by Gail. New members and guests are always welcome. 

Pres., Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
Our next meeting is April 8th at 12:00 PM Club House One. At 11:30 AM coffee and donuts will be served prior to the meeting. Having taken our first trip of the year to Atlantic City Resorts, we are looking forward to future trips. Our next scheduled event on May 16th, will be our Picnic at Wells Mills County Park in Waretown. The park features over 20 miles of hiking for all to enjoy, a beautiful lake with canoe rentals, picnic area, fishing, or a chance to just sit on the Dam where you will probably see turtles (so bring your beach chair). Fishing poles will be provided if you'd like to try and catch the "big one", along with basic instructions on fishing. However, it's a picnic, hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided, but rather than charging a fee, bring a Potluck dish to share. This is a social event for members only. Future upcoming events planned include a Blue Claws game, picnic dinner and fireworks on June 20th, a luncheon tour on the River Lady of Toms River on September 11th. Tickets for the game and the River Lady are available on the first and third Tuesday of the month between noon and 1:00 PM in Clubhouse ONE. Important: You do not have to fish to be a member of our Club! However, if you are a fisherperson in May we will announce our upcoming fishing schedule.
Posted on March 26, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities, Clubs
Spring is just around the corner and you all know what that means. GOLF!!! GOLF!!!

Holiday City Berkeley Golf will be kicking off our season the end of April or first week of May. The first meeting for league signups will be held Thursday, April 25th, Cedar Creek Golf Course at 10 AM.

Membership is $35 per person for league play. We play every Friday morning, 9 AM, at Cedar Creek Golf Course, from May til the end of September. This is a co-ed league.

Please attend this meeting learn more about our club and the good times we have playing every Friday during the spring and summer.

William Solt, President: • 732-244-6395
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