Activities/Clubs News

Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
We've begun rehearsing for our H.C. Berkeley "Variety Show" that will be presented in May 2024. This will be a show like never before. Lots of singing, dancing and skits. We will be putting on a show you won't forget.
Anyone interested in joining our group, all you need is a willingness to use your God given talents. Please call Pat Tartaro at 908-309-6478 if interested.
Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Still time to sign up for Bocce. No experience needed! Our Bocce League plays Monday and Tuesday 4PM, starting in April. Right now only Monday is available. Last sign up is at our March 12 Tuesday 4 PM Clubhouse 1. Dues are $8.00 for the year.
Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
As the Melodiers continue rehearsals for the upcoming Spring Concert scheduled on Sunday, May 5th, we hereby remind all residents that tickets for this joyous event are now on sale at CH1 from 12 noon - 1 PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays now and in April. Tickets are $5.00 each. Until then, be safe and see you all at showtime!
Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Veterans’ Committee will be having their first meeting on Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 3:30 pm in the Library.  We will be discussing plans for a Memorial Day Dedication and preliminary plans for a Veteran’s Day Dance in November.  Anyone who would like to be a part of this honorable committee, please join us or call 732-382-7158.  We welcome all new ideas and helping hands.
Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our hospital is certainly a bustling place compared to the way it was in September 15, 1961, when it opened with fifty beds and fifteen physicians on staff and it was called Community Medical Center. It is now RWJ Barnabas Health, with its sister hospital seventeen minutes away by helicopter from the rooftop helipad.  At that time it was a vision to have a community hospital. Construction is going on right at this time to allow the patients to have all the advantages available to diagnose and treat each person with the most up to date equipment. Our dedicated volunteers continue to raise funds to be a part of the improvements and ongoing transformation of this important part of our community.

Your donations and support are what makes us as successful as we are. We thank you for your continued support. If you would like to remember a birthday, graduation, anniversary, any special occasion or loved one, please consider making your donation to Holly Twig.  We will send a special note to the person or family you are remembering or honoring, as well as a letter to you for your records. Donations are an easy way to support this very worthwhile group. 

Our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, are busy all year long making hats for the newborn babies to wear home as well as making chemo caps for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.  We welcome your donations of yarn to keep our projects going. 
Our meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 13th.  We have coffee and refreshments at 9:30AM and the meeting begins at 10:00 AM at HC Berkeley Clubhouse 2. New members and guests are always welcome. Sometimes, we have time for an informative program. In February we had a hypnotherapist. That was fun! 
  • Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. Valet parking is FREE at the main hospital entrance. 
  • This is what is coming for 2024:
  • Friday, March 15th – Savvy Fit Soaps – All natural soaps made in Forked River
  • Thursday & Friday, March 28th & 29th – D&D Jewelry (Think Mothers’ Day)
  • Monday & Tuesday, April 8th & 9th – Tupperware (Are you missing pieces?) 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, May 1st & 2nd – J & M Sports
  • Wednesday, May 15th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker) 
  • Wednesday, June 12th – Annual Gift Auction – Tickets $7, on sale now
  • Tuesday & Wednesday, June 25th & 26th – Handbag Sale 
  • Wednesday, August 14th – Mathis House High Tea – Tickets $45, open to all
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale
Pres., Marylou (908)770-5176, VP, Susan (732)267-5274, 
Membership, Elizabeth (732)349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on February 27, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our next meeting is March 11th at 11:30 AM in Clubhouse 1. Coffee and donuts will not be served, this will be an abbreviated meeting, upon concluding the meeting we will be having lunch at the Fortune Buffet, $15 per person. Three times a year the club has lunch, the other times lunch at the clubhouse. Remember, you don't have to fish to join this club! We are a Social Club and gather to make new friends and to socialize with old. Dues are $7.00 per year and help to support activities. Upcoming events include a bus trip to Atlantic City Resorts on April 4th, Blue Claws game, Trout fishing with Picnic Potluck, Raritan Center Fishing Show, (March 15-17th), and lunch-tour on the River Lady in Toms River. Come, meet the gang, and share any ideas you might have to make our Club the best in HCB!
Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
Happy & Healthy New Years! Our first meeting of the year will be in Clubhouse 1 on Tuesday, January 9 at 4 PM. Bocce signups at our meetings. The next two meetings and sign ups will be February 13 and March 12.
We will start playing in April. Always looking for new players. No experience needed. Please tell your friends and neighbors.
Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 14th.  We have coffee and refreshments at 9:30AM and the meeting begins at 10:00 AM at HC Berkeley Clubhouse 2. Sometimes, we have time for an informative program. New members and guests are always welcome. Come join us to start your Valentines’ Day off to a great start!

Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. Valet parking is FREE at the main hospital entrance. 
This is what is coming for 2024:
  • Wednesday, February 28th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker)
  • Thursday & Friday, March 28th & 29th – D&D Jewelry
  • Monday & Tuesday, April 8th & 9th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday, May 1st & 2nd – J & M Sports
  • Wednesday, May 15th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker)
  • Tuesday  & Wednesday, June 25th & 26th – Handbag Sale
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware 
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale
If you would like to make a donation to remember a birthday, graduation, anniversary, any special occasion or loved one, please consider making your donation to Holly Twig.  We will send a special acknowledgment note to the person or family you are remembering or honoring. Donations are an easy way to support this very worthwhile group.

Our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, continue to make hats for the newborn babies to wear home as well as making chemo caps for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.  We welcome your donations of yarn to keep our projects going.
Pres.,Marylou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, Membership, Elizabeth (732) 349-5857
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Break a leg! – The traditional saying before someone hits the stage.  Hopefully there will be no legs broken (or hips, ribs or any other vital bones) upon our performance this season.

We will be presenting in May our “Holiday City 2024 Variety Show” and it promises to be exciting.  It will be the same concept as the Carol Burnett Show or the Sonny And Cher Show.  Various acts performing to entertain the masses

Anyone who is interested in joining this performance as an act, is encouraged to come to our next rehearsal. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 6-8PM in Clubhouse 2 in the main hall.

If interested, or for more information, please call Pat Tatarro at 908-309-6478
Hope to see you on the stage!
Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The recently established Go Getters Club was formed to help purchase items for the benefit of our residents. Our wish list, based on your requests, is long.

Over the summer we hosted two DJ pool parties, and now we are preparing to host our first Tricky Tray, "Spring Surprize," on Saturday, April 27, 2024. This is an ambitious undertaking, and we are asking for your help with donations.
  • We are asking for donations of
  • Baskets to package gifts
  • Ribbon and bows
  • Gifts you received but are not to your taste/size and are in unused, new condition
  • Items you purchased that can no longer be returned or exchanged and are unused and in original packaging
  • Sealed bottles of wine or liquor
  • Small, unused, new items that we can incorporate with smiliar items into a themed gift basket
  • Gift cards or gift certificates
  • Gifts you buy, hand-crafted gifts, gift cards, or checks made payable to the Go-Getters so we can purchase new gifts and materials for wrapping
Donations may be dropped off at regularly scheduled ticket event purchase days, which are the first and third Tuesday of each month from 12 noon to 1 pm in Clubhouse 1 at designated tables at shareowners' meetings in Clubhouse 2.
If you have any questions or you would like to join the Go-Getters Club, please contact Patty Priest at 908-313-7925.