Activities/Clubs News

Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Our next meeting is February 12th at 12 PM in Club House One. Coffee and donuts are served at 11:30 AM. Remember, you don't have to fish to join this club! We are a Social Club and gather to make new friends and to socialize with old. Our dues will remain at $7.00 per year and help to support activities. New officers for 2024 are Orlando Diaz, president; John Gindhart, Vice President; Judy Scanano, secretary; and Marie Gerrish, treasurer and are planning exciting new activities for 2024! Just a few items on the schedule include a Blue Claws Game, a lunch tour on The River Lady, a freshwater Fishing/picnic just to mention a few, so be sure to attend our meeting this month!
Posted on January 25, 2024 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
We hope everyone had a joyful holiday season and wish all a very happy and healthy 2024. The Melodiers' holiday concert was very successful and a fun time for both club and audience members. Holiday City club house 2 was filled with song and holiday spirit.

With the arrival of winter the weather has turned chilly but it's spring at the Melodiers rehearsals. The Melodiers are currently preparing songs for our Spring Concert scheduled for Sunday, May 5th at 2 PM in CH2. Ticket sales for this fun event will start in March and continue through April from 12 noon to 1 PM on the first and third Tuesdays in CH1. The price per ticket is $5.00

Member rehearsals for this upcoming event began in January and take place every Wednesday from 4PM to 6PM in CH2 and will continue throughout February, March and April. Residents living in any of Holiday City's regions are welcome to join our group. Formal auditions are never conducted to determine membership. If you enjoy music and would like to share that experience with new and old friends, The Melodiers is the group for you.
Hope to see you at our next rehearsal. New members are always welcome. Any further questions, contact Harold Stewart at either (201) 982-3524 or (848) 226-6972. Your call is important, if no answer, please leave a message and Harold will return your call very promptly.
Posted on December 27, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Happy New Year!
Our meeting is January 8, 2024 at 12 PM in Club House I. Coffee is at 11:30, with donuts. Remember, you don't have to fish to join this club. We are all social and gather to see old and make new friends. Thank you to all who worked on our Christmas Party. It was a good time for all.
Posted on December 27, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Activities
Happy Holidays! No meetings until January. At the meeting we will have sign ups. Meeting will be in Clubhouse 1 Tuesday, January 9th at 4 PM. We are looking for new members. Bocce is an easy game and lots of fun.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Wishing all a healthy and happy New Year. Time to start thinking about Bocce. We will start playing in April. Sign ups will be held at our meetings. Meetings will be held at Clubhouse I at 4 PM. The next three meetings and sign ups will be Tuesdays, January 9, February 13 and March 12. 

We are always looking for new players. No experience needed. We will teach new players. So please tell your friends and neighbors. See you at the meetings.
Posted on December 27, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
The Go-Getters Club Needs Your Help

Our recently established Go-Getters Club was formed to raise funds to purchase items needed for the benefit of our residents. Our wish list based on your requests is long. Some of the items on the list include: new library furniture, additional exercise space and equipment, big screen TV, and an improved sound system in Clubhouse 2.
Over the summer we hosted two DJ pool parties and new we are preparing to host our first-ever GIFT AUCTION "Spring Surprize" on Saturday, April 27, 2024. This is an ambitious undertaking and we are asking for your help with gift donations.
  • Our wish list includes items you may already have on-hand at home such as:
  • Baskets - to package gifts
  • Ribbon and bows
  • Gifts you received but not to your taste/size in unused, pristine condition
  • Items you purchased that can no longer be returned or exchanged in unused conditi9on in original packaging
  • Sealed bottles of wine or liquor
  • Smaller, unused, new items that we can incorporate with like items, into a themed gift basket
  • Gift cards or gift certificates you will never use
  • We will of course gratefully accept gifts you buy, your hand-crafted gifts, gift cards, or checks made payable to the Go-Getters Club to purchase new gifts

You will receive a written receipt for any/all donations
Donations may be dropped off at regularly scheduled ticket event purchase days - the first and third Tuesday in Clubhouse 1 from 12-1 PM.

Shareowners meetings in CH2 at the back tables.

Email: Jackie Fredreck if you need your donations picked up.

If you have any further questions OR if you would like to join the Go-Getters Club, please contact Patty Priest at 908-313-7925.

With your help and donations, this could be a big Win-Win for our community!
Posted on December 27, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
I'll start by wishing you all a very "Happy New Year"! I'm hoping that everyone had the most joyous holiday season ever. Those of you who attended the holiday concert I say "thank you"! Now that 2024 is upon us, it's time to begin rehearsals for the Spring Concert scheduled for Sunday, May 5th at 2 PM in CH2. Ticket sales will start in March and continue thru April from 12 noon - 1PM on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays in CH1. Price per ticket $5.00. The Melodiers will gather for rehearsals in CH2 beginning on Wednesday, January 10th from 4-6 PM and continuing into February, March and April. Residents living in any of Holiday City's regions are eligible to become members. Formal auditions are never conducted to determine membership acceptance. Want to experience the joy of having fun, exercise your love of music with a chance to make new friends, then come to CH2. Sit, listen and witness this delightful and extraordinary group. Any questions, contact Harold Stewart at either (201) 982-3524 or (848) 226-6972. If no answer, please leave a message.
Posted on December 26, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays.  We want to welcome everyone back and invite new members to our first meeting of the year on January 4, 2024.

We are a social club where some of our members bring their crafts (knitting, crocheting, sewing, etc.) To work on during the meeting.  If you want to learn how to do any of these  crafts, there is always someone willing to teach you.

We meet every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. in Clubhouse 1.  Come out and join us.
Posted on December 26, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Holly Twig wishes everyone Happy, Healthy and Safe New Year!

At the installation luncheon in December, a beautiful candle ceremony was conducted as the members of the new Board of Directors took their oaths of office. We begin another year of raising funds to help fill the wishes that are submitted by the various departments of the hospital to make the patients stay at Community Medical Center as comfortable as can be. This past year was great and we are going to work hard to make the coming year even better. 

Vendor sales are open to the public to come and shop. We are always delighted to see the fabulous assortment of out of the ordinary items that are being sold. 
  • This is what is coming for 2024:
  • Wednesday, January 10th – Scrub Sale
  • Wednesday, February 28th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker)
  • Thursday & Friday, March 28th & 29th – D&D Jewelry
  • Monday & Tuesday, April 8th & 9th – Tupperware – great new colors
  • Wednesday, May 1st & 2nd – J & M Sports
  • Wednesday, May 15th – Peachey’s Bakery (the Amish Baker)
  • Tuesday  & Wednesday, June 25th & 26th – Handbag Sale
  • Thursday & Friday, September 26th & 27th – D&D Jewelry
  • Wednesday & Thursday, October 16th & 17th – Tupperware – great new colors
  • Wednesday & Thursday, November 13th & 14th – J&M Sports
  • Thursday and Friday, December 5th & 6th – Handbag Sale
Our Holly Twig members, who knit and crochet, continue to make hats for the newborn babies to wear home as well as making hats for patients in the Oncology Department.   All of our hats are made by Holly Twig members, and we use approved patterns.  We are still accepting yarn you may have and would like to share with us.
Community Medical Center offers FREE valet parking for patients and visitors at the Main Entrance.

If you would like to make a donation to remember a special occasion or loved one, please consider making your donation to Holly Twig.  We will send a special note to the person or family you are remembering or honoring.
Our meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of the month. We have coffee and refreshments at 9:30AM and the meeting begins at 10:00 AM at HC Berkeley Clubhouse 2. New members are always welcome. Come join us!

Pres., MaryLou (908) 770-5176, VP, Susan (732) 267-5274, 
Membership, Laura (929) 200-2220
Holly Twig, 270 Bonaire Drive, Toms River, NJ  08757
Posted on December 26, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Before I begin, let me publicly announce and apologize that “Terminal Madness” never came to fruition.  Fortunately, the Holiday City Variety And Drama Club are back and better than ever.
We will be presenting in May our “Holiday City 2024 Variety Show” and it promises to be exciting.  It will be the same concept as the Carol Burnett Show or the Sonny And Cher Show.  Various acts performing to entertain the masses.

Anyone who is interested in joining this performance as an act, is encouraged to come to our next rehearsal. Rehearsals are every Tuesday from 6-8PM in Clubhouse 1 starting January 9th, 2024.
If interested, or for more information, please call Loretta Reustle at 732-557-0345.
Hope to see you on the stage!
Posted on November 30, 2023 6:00 AM by Admin
Categories: Clubs
Happy holidays to all!
We do not meet in December. We are having our Holiday Dinner Dance on December 2 in CH1 at 6 PM.
We meet on the 2nd Monday of January 2023. Our new President, Orlando Diaz will be in charge.
All are welcome to join our club. Dues are $7.00. You don't have to fish, just want to be social and make great new friends.